Monday, December 24, 2007

Fair Play in the Game of Paintball

Paintball is an extreme game that is gaining in popularity. Though the inventors of this game did it for fun, it has evolved into the third most popular game in the world.
For those who want to play, there are rules to be followed. The first is having the proper gear which will protect the person from paint balls.

Guns should be checked before being used in the matches because the maximum velocity allowed is only 300 feet per second. Anything above that can cause serious injury to the players. As a precaution, barrel plugs should be used to avoid any misfiring incidents for the safety of the gun owner and the people who are present during the event.

Protective equipment must be worn at all times inside the playing field. This consists of a face mask, gloves, and pads for the chest, knees and elbows. When hit, the player must stand up with both hands in the air to inform everyone that he has been eliminated. If the person is not sure of being hit, then ask the referee and he will confirm or deny the hit.

The facemask may fog due to sweat, paint or dirt. When this happens, the player should inform the referee so that he can be escorted away from the field before returning to the game. In case the facemask falls off, the same rule applies. During such instances, the opposing team is not allowed to fire at that person.

Paintball is a sport where a player can only be eliminated by shooting the other person. Should a player wipe the paint off and continue playing the game but is caught by the referee, that player is automatically ejected from the game. This is a form of cheating that is never tolerated.
Players are not allowed to curse or hit the other players. This game is about fun and anyone caught will also be taken out of the game.

There is another way of taking out the opposing player and that is by asking the person to surrender. Should the player show any form of hostile action, then you have no choice but to shoot the opponent.

Rules are made to protect the participants in the game. By knowing the basic rules and checking how the game is played, everyone will have fun and enjoy a good game.

Watching Paintball Videos Away from the Field

People buy videos since they are considered to be classics: chances are such films will never be made again which makes them works of art. Sports lovers feel the same and buy them as memorabilia.

There are some people that would rather watch an event at home than play the game. Many do this with sports videos about basketball, wrestling and the ultimate fighting championships that consider memorabilia. Collectors who love to borrow or buy such videos claim that they are better than the real thing.

Videos are not only there to entertain, they can be used to teach new players how to play the extreme sport of paintball. The event venues are often the same year after year and many times an upcoming event will played in the same venue which could help prepare a team for an upcoming match. It may also show how other teams performed in that venue and what weaknesses can be exploited to assist in winning a particular game.

Since videos of paintball are usually not found at the local store, searching the web is a useful alternative. With the growing number of people who are interested in this sport as well as the number of organizations that sponsor such events, it is easier for sports enthusiasts to buy a video during competitions.

The videos made about this extreme sport feature not only the rules but they show actual competitions that occurred in different parts of the country and bloopers that are caught on film.
Choosing a video about this sport may be a bit challenging if you not sure which video is worth buying so asking for recommendations from those who have seen it can be helpful. Friends and family members who share the same interest can also help in picking one for you to purchase...
Videos cost money so before getting one determine if it’s really worth the price by first watching the trailer. Invite friends over to watch it with you will make it more enjoyable than watching it alone!

There are some movies that people will never get tired of watching no matter how many times they have seen it. By finding something interesting like the greatest paintball tournaments ever played or a video of the craziest events ever caught on film: watch and enjoy it and maybe even learn a few new tricks!

Buy Cheap Paintball Masks

Paintball masks are the most important safety equipment for paintball players. They act as protection for the eyes from the harmful chemicals that are contained in paintballs. Since the eyes are the most sensitive parts of the face, they must be protected when playing paintball.
If you are serious about getting on the paintball field, then you must start by getting a paintball mask of your own. Paintball masks can be bought in many sports shops that carry paintball supplies. These supplies are available in different price ranges and some brands are less expensive that others. Players can check to find the less expensive paintball masks which are on the market.

If a paintball player wants a less expensive mask he may want to check the VForce Vantage paintball mask whose price ranges from $25 to $40. A player can enjoy savings with this brand and the durability is not sacrificed. Aside from being inexpensive, they are easy to clean and can be comfortable.

Or you may want to consider the Proto Switch El. This mask has been proven to offer comfort as well as a better field of vision. However, a difficulty with the Proto Switch El masks is that they may be bulky and are sometimes “itchy”. But even with these disadvantages, the mask is able to compete in the market at a low price of $25.

There is also the VForce Armor, which is sold for as little as $35. Some shops may even offer it at a lower price. The mask has proper ventilation and is free from fog and ensures that the users get the protection they need. However, some people who have tested the product have found that the pads are hard which makes them uncomfortable when playing paintball.

If a player is seeking a price and style, he may consider buying the JT USA Elite Headshield. This mask has unique features that are unlike other masks. It covers both the front and back of the head and is priced at $30. The lens were proven to have wider range of vision, however, the lens only come as singles.

Before buying a mask research the different brands and prices that are available. Also consult with your friends and other paintball players to determine what brands they recommend. Many inexpensive masks can be purchased but you should still consider the quality, comfort and safety of these masks and make the right decision regardless of the price.

Tips in Choosing a Paintball Gun

Today paintball is one of the most popular sports not only in the United States but around the world. It is a fun and exciting game that offers adventure to its players. When getting on the paintball field, it is very important to consider your one important friend - the paintball gun.
Paintball would not be paintball without the paintball gun. All paintball guns may look the same but it is important to remember that choosing the right paintball gun is not an easy task. Here are some tips that you may need to consider:

1. The very first thing that needs to be considered when buying a paintball gun is the price. It is important that the buyer determine his budget for the gun. There are many paintball guns in the market and prices may range from $100 to $900. The cost of the gun will depend on the brand and features that come with it.

2. It is recommended a person test all types of guns before buying one. He may want to try those that he has borrowed or rented which will give him the chance to choose which a gun that works for him. The paintball gun should provide ease of use and comfort for the user.

3. Before buying a paintball gun, it is important that he decide on the size of the gun, the paintball loader and the tank that he desires. Remember that the bigger the tanks and the paintball loaders the heavier the gun becomes. A good gun should be the right size for the user and should contain the amount of paintball needed to fire at the opponents.

4. The buyer should shop around first before deciding on a particular paintball gun. This will give him the chance to evaluate and compare prices. Some shops offer lower prices than other shops, so do some research and purchase the one that fits your needs and pocketbook.

5. Seek advice from friends who play paintball, instructors, and coaches of paintball games who will be able to provide some tips on what paintball guns they have used and have found effective. Paintball stores can also recommend some good paintball guns and/or those that they most often sell to their customers.

After choosing the right paintball gun, you must familiarize yourself with the machine. Practicing with the paintball gun will help you move with the gun as well as apply some strategies for using the gun.

Paintball Gears and Accessories

In any sport, proper gear, outfitting and other accessories are always necessary. Gear and accessories not only ensure the safety of players but they also allow the player to be comfortable. Gear is needed to perform a safely and effectively. In paintball, some gear and accessories should be considered before you actually play the game.

1. The most important gear needed to play paintball is the paintball gun which is used to fire paintball at opponents. There are many paintball guns to choose from. They come in various sizes depending on the needs of any player.

2. A player must have a paintball masks as they are required in playing since they ensure the safety of players. Paintball masks are not just ordinary masks but are masks are specifically designed for paintball games. An extra mask would serve as a replacement should you need it.

3. Proper clothing is needed when playing paintball. The clothes need to be heavy-duty and the colors are usually those known as “camouflage”. Players are also required to use shoes intended for running since paintball requires a lot of running but heavy-duty boots may be used as an alternative.

4. Squeegees are also recommended equipment for players when out on the paintball field: but cotton rags may also be used to wipe off any paintball hits on the body.

5. First-aid kits must also be part of the equipment. Accidents and injuries are sometimes unavoidable and it is better to be safe than sorry.

6. Other tools and gear may be beneficial once a player gets used to the game. He may find that screwdrivers, tweezers, pliers, and even cotton swabs would come in handy. Spare batteries for the guns should also be considered.

This gear and accessories are necessities for paintball players. Some fields do not allow players to play the game if they are not wearing the proper clothing, shoes, etc. Players must always consider their own safety as well as the safety of other players. Protection of the eyes is a priority when playing paintball. All players must observe the safety rules and policies set by the field to allow them to have an enjoyable and danger-free game.

How to Buy and Select Cheap Paintball Guns

While one should never sacrifice value over the quality of paintball safety equipment, paintball guns are available today at reasonable prices and with a wide variety of interesting features.
When deciding which the best paintball gun is for you, be realistic and determine your “skill level”. When just beginning, and do not know the frequency of your play, begin with an inexpensive gun.

To decide which features you need in a paintball gun, you can borrow markers from your friends and try them on different paintball fields. After you have decided on the features you want then start shopping for your gun.

When playing for recreation, there is really no need to spend a great deal of money as there are many recreational guns of good quality that are not expensive. Note that there are also several poor quality markers on the market so you need to your research before you buy to make certain that the marker that you purchase is dependable and can be upgraded.

When you are making plans to play in tournaments, determine what type of tournament that you will be entering. If you are going to play in small tournaments you may use a less expensive marker or upgrade your old one.However, in the larger tournaments, you will need an “electro-pneumatic” or a “blow-forward” gun, which costs a minimum of $350.

The cost of markers depends primarily on the gun’s pressure system as well as its accessories. The most popular system today is the “carbon dioxide pressure system” normally used in the less expensive markers.

The primary disadvantage is that usually the carbon dioxide’s performance is influenced by the temperature outside, and changes from its gas state to liquid resulting in velocity instability that affects its shooting accuracy.

Serious paintball players use the “high-pressure air and nitrogen system” markers that are much more accurate because the nitrogen will never liquefy. Having this characteristic, these markers are more expensive.

Extra accessories also increase the cost of your marker. A loader or hopper is a very popular accessory. It is a container that feeds paintballs into the gun. Hoppers are available in many varieties - some are powered and automated. Fast and lightweight hoppers are more expensive.

Just keep in mind that the any marker that you purchase will not be perfect and will ultimately have flaws. So when purchasing your marker, always double check the choices offered and purchase a gun only if you know what you really want.

Best Weather to Play Paintball: In the Rain?

People play in the rain for the love of paintball and the rain adds so much interest and challenge to the game.
When playing in the rain, everything will be muddy and slippery: consequently running, stopping and crouching will be harder than normal; visibility will be lower; and wind can make paintball courses more difficult. All of these make playing paintball challenging which is exactly shat paintball fanatics look for; the action and the thrill!

Here are guidelines so you can enjoy your paintball game on a rainy day:
1. Put on something that keeps water off of your body, such as a raincoat, “slicker”, waterproof clothing or even plastic garbage bags. It is very important that you stay dry so you don’t shiver as this will affect your mobility, accuracy and can be very uncomfortable.
Remember to cover your head too. Wear any waterproof covering but make certain that water will not be sliding down your face and cause fog to form on your goggles. Wiping the fog from your goggles each time you pause behind a tree or a bunker can distract from your concentration on the game.

2. Take paper towels with you. The lens on your mask, even if it is a thermal type of lens, will fog up and paper towels come in handy; you can just wipe off the fog. Do keep in mind that you should turn away from the action - in a “sitting duck” (crouch) position - before you wipe the fog from your mask.

3. Wear boots or cleats instead of sneakers to keep your feet from getting wet.

4. Wear gloves to prevent cold and wet hands.

5. Having a soaked paintball can be really frustrating. You should pack extra garbage bags for use as spare coverings. These can be used to cover your gear and function as a raincoat in emergencies. Huge plastic transparent bags also are great for covering the head, hoppers and the gun. You can effectively turn your gun into a waterproof weapon by simply covering it with plastic and securing it with rubber bands.

6. Shooting on a rainy day is much more different than the typical “hose down”. Consider the amount of barrel smoke that will be produced even when using HPA. Bring along an “unported barrel” if you happen to have one. Porting allows water to get into the barrel resulting in twisting shots.

There are really so many ways to add thrill to your paintball game: just allow your imagination to run wild and experiment with things. Have fun in the rain!